Ever since WTVR's Lorenzo Hall exposed
that Mamie Taylor and Tichi Pinkney-Eppes each spent thousands of taxpayer dollars jetting
about the country to attend "education conferences" and stay at
hotels like the posh Four Seasons in Miami, Florida, the dysfunctional duo has been on a reckless rip and run disregarding the School Board's own policies and undermining the work of their colleagues, RPS Superintendent
Dana Bedden and his administration.
Here's an excerpt from Hall's report:
Here's an excerpt from Hall's report:
The City of Richmond is filled with old school buildings that need millions of dollars in emergency repairs, according to the Richmond School Board. Board members have said they are working to come up with the funds to fix the problems.
However, some of the money the school board spends is not going toward fixing buildings or hiring new teachers. After looking through receipts, CBS 6 anchor Lorenzo Hall had questions about the way some Richmond School Board members spent city tax dollars.
For instance, so far this year Richmond School Board member Tichi Pinkney-Eppes has attended conferences in cities like Miami, New Orleans and Portland. Once you add up food, airfare, registration fees and hotel stays -- including a stop at the Four Seasons in Miami -- the total cost was $8,556.
Richmond School Board Member Mamie Taylor joined Pinkney-Eppes on those trips to New Orleans, Portland and Miami. Your bill for her trips added up to $8,107.
Taylor's travel expenses are not limited to out-of-town trips. Richmond taxpayers also pay for Taylor's gas when she drives from her house to every school board function. Analyzing receipts from December 2013 and March 2014 -- the total $199.
For more than two weeks, we attempted to question Taylor and Pinkney-Eppes about these costs....
Here are some stories that appeared after Richmond School Board member Mamie Taylor offered to trade a vote in favor of continuing a policy she has used to collect $4.15 in reimbursements for her travel to board meetings in exchange for a promise to withdraw a disciplinary complaint against another School Board member.
Click HERE to read Bart Hinkle's brilliant take on this issue.
Click HERE to read about how Mamie Taylor refused to answer questions after she offered to trade a vote in favor of continuing a policy she used to collect for her travel to board meetings in exchange for a promise to withdraw a disciplinary action against another board member.
Click HERE to read about what the RT-D's Michael Paul Williams had to say about this can of worms.
Click HERE to read about how Mamie Taylor was referring questions from the press to a PR firm. City School Board's antics qualify as satire
Thursday, February 5, 2015 10:30 pm
The Times-Dispatch’s Zachary Reid is an excellent reporter. Yet we were surprised to see his byline attached to the story headlined “All for the sake of $4.15.”
Saturday, January 10, 2015 10:30 pm
In a recent story on voting patterns among the members of the Richmond School Board, reporter Zachary Reid noted that 9th District representative Tichi Pinkney Eppes “began to speak about her voting record ... but stopped and said she wanted to think it over and would call back.... Instead, she sent an email that said, ‘Thanks for your questions. I have decided not to respond.’ ”
Click HERE to read about how Tichi Pinkney Epps violated student confidential student records.
Monday, November 3, 2014 10:30 pm
Friday, October 17, 2014 8:00 pm
The Richmond School Board instructed its attorney to seek clarification from the state Attorney General's Office about an investigation of Tichi Pinkney Eppes, who admitted to breaching confidential student information.
Thursday, October 16, 2014 10:15 pm
The Richmond School Board removed 9th district representative Tichi L. Pinkney Eppes from the board's student disciplinary committee after a two-hour closed session Thursday night following controversy involving breached student information.
And then there was the protective order fiasco ...
Click HERE to read about how "less than two minutes after testimony concluded, a Richmond judge on Monday denied requests to grant permanent protective orders that Taylor and Epps sought against another against another School Board member. After hearing nearly two hours of testimony, the judge said, “I don’t think this is the case.”
Click HERE to read about how "less than two minutes after testimony concluded, a Richmond judge on Monday denied requests to grant permanent protective orders that Taylor and Epps sought against another against another School Board member. After hearing nearly two hours of testimony, the judge said, “I don’t think this is the case.”
... and the cease and desist order ...
I could go on and on .... but you get the picture.