My friend, John R. Butcher a/k/a “Cranky,” has been crunching numbers again. I’ve reposted his latest handiwork here. Many thanks, Mr. Butcher!
The Best and Worst 2022 School SOLs
Returning to the 2022 SOL data, here are the top and bottom twenty schools in reading and math.
As a reminder: Economically disadvantaged (“ED”) students (essentially those who qualify for the federal free lunch program) on average underperform their more affluent peers (“Not ED”) by ca. twenty points, depending on the test. This renders the school and division SOL data misleading because the averages are altered by the relative numbers of ED students. The data below are broken out for both the ED and Not ED groups.
And a caveat: Because of its suppression rules (essentially, no datum if <10 students in a group), VDOE does not report data for one or both subjects for 54 schools.
To start, here the top twenty averages on the reading tests, first for Not ED students and then, ED. The Richmond schools are highlighted in yellow. The blue highlights are schools in Region 7 (SW Virginia), where the Comprehensive Instructional Plan was founded.
Then, the bottom twenty.
Next, math, the top 20.
And the bottom.
Finally, let’s average the four pass rates to obtain an overall measure of school performance.
Preview of Coming Attraction: You may have noticed the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology at 100% on all five top-20 lists and wondered why all the other Governor’s Schools are absent from those lists. Short answer: The VDOE pretends that students at all the full time Governor’s schools except for TJ are students at high schools (that they don’t attend) in their home districts. Longer answer: Stay tuned for a later post.
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